Eastside Church of Christ at First Street has a multitude of ministries you can get involved in. Impacting the community around us is one of the greatest things we can do as a church family. Eastside is committed to doing our part in making our community a better place to live for everyone.
Ephesians 4:16 (NIV)16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Listing of Our Ministries
Church Administration Education Encouragement and Fellowship
Evangelism Outreach Finance Support Services
Church Administration
Elders: Ben Foster, Sr., Gregory Allmon, Sr., Roy Foster, Sr, James Perry, Sr., David Woods, Sr.
Elder on Staff: Gregory Allmon, Sr.
Ministerial Development: Ben Foster, Sr.
Delinquent Members: Roy Foster, Sr.
Office Automation & Technology: Gregory Allmon, Sr.
Administrative Assistant:
Audio/Visual Communications: Gregory Allmon, Sr.
Associate Ministers: Elzie Hunt, Sr., Billy McDaniel, Kenneth Rhodes
Youth Ministers: Antwaun Hobbs and Kenneth Rhodes
Directing Elder: Gregory Allmon, Sr.
Bible Teachers/Substitutes: Hubert Hartin
Men's Spiritual Training: Ben Foster, Sr.
Women's Spiritual Training: Lillian Bradford, Faye Foster, Vivian Foster, Lucy Perry
Encouragement and Fellowship
Directing Elder: James Perry, Sr.
Youth Minister: Antwaun Hobbs and Kenneth Rhodes
Seniors and Celebrated Seniors: Hubert Hartin
Benevolence: All Elders
Food Pantry: Faye Foster
Fruit Baskets: Lucy Perry
Singles: Francisco and Debra Obera
New Members Orientation: Roy Foster, Sr.
Caregivers/Lapquilts: Faye Foster
Card Ministry: Jerry Robinson
Clothing Ministry: Faye Foster
- Chili Supper Sadie Richardson
- Fifth Sunday Fellowship Faye Foster
- Homecoming Lucy Perry
- Ladies Shopping Trip Darlene Woods
- Over 50's Dinner Beverly Webb
- Thanksgiving Pot Luck Lillian Bradford
1st Sunday Program: James Perry, II
High School Seniors Banquet: Darlene Phillips and LaToya Jackson:
Back-to-School Giveaway: David Woods, Sr.
Ladies Symposium: Virginia Willis
Nursing Home Visitation: Vivian Foster
Weddings/Baby Showers; Lucy Perry
Evangelism Outreach
Directing Elder: Roy Foster, Sr.
Bible Correspondence Course: Roy Foster, Sr.
Chorus Ministry: Gregory Allmon, Sr., Marcus Foster, Batista Butler
Missions: Ben Foster, Sr.
Greeters: Gregory Allmon, Sr.
Ladies' Outreach: Faye Foster, Vivian Foster, Lillian Bradford, Lucy Perry
Men's Outreach: Ben Foster, Sr.
New Converts Outreach: Roy Foster, Sr.
Directing Elder: Roy Foster, Sr.
Financial Secretary: Doris Kindle
Budget and Finance: Roy Hutchings
Purchasing: Doris Kindle
Support Services
Directing Elder: D avid Woods, Sr.
Building Facilities Management
Grounds: David Woods, Sr.
Transportation: Steven Richardson, Sr., James Perry, II
Communion Tray Preparation: Charles Vaughn
Building Janitorial: James and Lucy Perry, Charles Vaughn
Baptismal Garments: Charles Vaughn
Counseling Ministry: Ben & Vivian Foster, Sr.
Health Ministry: Debra Obera, Jade Hobbs
Job Ministry: Virginia Willis
Child Development Center: Marcia Warren, Director